2024 IKC Balancathon Local events

Balancathon events in the UK

  • Awre, Gloucestershire, with Helena Arguelles
  • Bristol with Helen Wilson
  • Worlington, Suffolk with Rachel Lead and Anita Ramsden
  • Jackie Lysaght organised an online TFH hangout for the Balancathon in English 

Balancing and discussion around heart-centred themes red, fire, passion, and joy. Details on FB Touch for Health UK


Balancathon events in Indonesia

Fibrina Bian hosted a zoom mini talk to inform and explain about kinesology, Touch for Health, and the 14 muscle movement, then continued with performing the 14 muscle dance together

Henry Remanlay did an online event from Indonesia.
Taka a looh here: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAdq3Cny4Dd/?igsh=MWQ2a2FvbnF1bmdiNA%3D%3D&img_index=1

Detty Aryanti shares a picture from her event here: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAdryrRSh0s/?igsh=MWVvbWhsZHZvaWp2aw%3D%3D

12 participants from Indonesia, organized by Susanti Kho and TfH instr. Elisabeth Demuth, Switzerland/Indonesia

Balancathon events in Germany

Franziska Rief offered a small public event in Freiburg, where a few trained individuals gave balances of TfH to others

Balancathon events in Puerto Rico

Miembros certificados y registrados del International Kinesiology College en conjunto con Asociación de Touch For Health de Puerto Rico han realizado eventos locales y online.

Aquí tienes el vídeo del grupo coordinado por Eliu y Gladys Figueroa: https://youtu.be/cyviKHeZeI0

Balancathon events in Spain

Pablo López y Asun Esteve han impartido una charla sobre el SHEN, La Medicina Tradicional China y Kinesiología, finalizando con una equilibración online.

Puedes acceder al vídeo del evento en el siguiente link: https://youtu.be/ttH69T5CWyM

Balancathon events in Australia

José Toussaint did a muscel dance in Brisbane / Australia. Here is the link to the video. 


Balancathon events in Switzerland

Marita Conrad ha realizado una charla de kinesiología con una equilibración de la hora actual.

Puedes acceder al vídeo del evento en el siguiente link: https://youtu.be/r6lxGHW8f5I

Il a également donné une conférence de kinésiologie avec un bilan d’actualité en français.

Vous pouvez accéder à la vidéo de l’événement au lien suivant: https://youtu.be/sC32VN7LCc4

Balancathon events in Malaysia

Premalatha Sanmugan shares the video of her event in Malaysia: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAdwyx_pOrQ/?igsh=MXVoMnhuMWIyb2d3ag%3D%3D

Balancathon events in Russia

Irina Chobanu shares some videos from the local events in Russia:

Balancathon events in Italy

Maurizio Piva shares a picture of his group in Italy.

Balancathon events in Hungary

Zsuzsa Köves and Gal Attila share the video of their event in Hungary


Balancathon 2024. 28 sept (11:00am – 1pm)

“Balance the World, Heart to Heart”.

Join the IKC Balancathon 2024: A Global Event for Balance the Planet

The IKC Balancathon is an annual event dedicated to harmonizing the energy of our planet and all living beings. Held on the last Saturday of September (28 sept 2024) from 11 am to 1 pm, this worldwide initiative invites you to participate in a worldwide Mexican wave of Heart energy that will circle the globe.

Starting at 11 am in New Zealand, this wave of Heart energy will move through each time zone, creating a powerful and balancing force as it progresses. The more people who join, the stronger and more impactful the energy will become.

How You Can Contribute at 11 am Your Time:

  • Submit a Video: Share a video of your Touch for Health self-balancing routine before the event. We’ll showcase your efforts on social media and our website, inspiring others to join in. Please record in landscape mode and send your video via www.wetransfer.com to Pablo at pro@ikc.global.
  • Host an Open House: Invite friends, family, and neighbours to your home for a heartwarming session of muscle dance, meridian massage, or Heart time, accompanied by a heartfelt coffee.
  • Organize a Public Event: Plan a conference, large gathering, or community event filled with Heart-balancing activities, fun, and games.
  • One-on-One Balancing: Offer a Heart-balance to someone else or take the time to give yourself a Heart-balance, contributing your energy to the global wave.
  • Share Your Experience: After the event, send us photos or an article detailing your activities so we can continue to add to our memorable Balancathon album.

Need inspiration? Check out other Balancathon highlights from previous years on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ikcbalancathon4358

Let’s unite in this global wave of Heart energy and make a positive impact on our world!

The Balancathon Committee